Ishiguro Aya, Iida Kaori, Abe Natsumi, and Fukuda Asuka.
Back then I started from the beginning, learning the faces and names of Morning Musume's first five members. Nowadays, I easily recognize them. Looking back, I sort of have to LOL a little about how my opinions today compare with what I thought back then- as a newb to the H!P world. Let's see.
1, I loved Asuka right off the bat. 2, I didn't like how Nacchi was so focused on within the group- solo wise as well as camera time. 3, I liked Kaori, thought she was pretty. 4, Aya's ears made me laugh. And now~
A, I still love Asuka and really wish she'd stayed around for a little longer than she did. B, I've gotten past my sour mood over Nacchi being the star of early MM and admire her in some ways. I'm still not crazy over her singing voice in the early singles, but as she's matured it's gotten less whiney sounding to me.
C, I don't like Kaori anywhere near as much as I did first off. I think she can look good on camera, but her singing isn't anything ear-catching. And from watching a few TV episodes, I think she was rather me-me-me minded in her younger days. D, I still think Aya's ears are cute and worth a few giggles, in a good way!
Ai no Tane : Indie Release. B-side to first single. Morning Musume's Debut song will ALWAYS be special to me. It's a song that all MM fans should listen to at least once. It's melody is very pretty and I think it's a very befitting beginning to what is now a long-lived group that's had more than 36 members and has a huge fanbase.
I do have a bone or two to pick with Tsunku though. Or whoever it is that divides lines for H!P groups. This is Momusu's first song EVER and 75% of it is all Nacchi/Kaori/Aya group lines. Why didn't the group parts include Asuka and Yuko?!?!!! It doesn't make any sense to me ;w;
And on top of that; Yuko only got two solos and Asuka got three, whereas the other girls got four each! Unfair!! I know, I know. Don't beat a dead horse, Aya. Unfair lines is just part of the idol world, I guess.
I wonder why they never sing Ai no Tane at H!P concerts? They sing other songs altogether, like Souda! We're ALIVE and Ai Araba IT'S ALL RIGHT. But never Ai no Tane. It's kind of sad. I'd really like to see it pop up on a concert track list sometime within the next few years. Who cares if it's from 1997, it's a classic! Anyways, that's it for this entry-
Oh, nevermind! Something real quick! I Youtubed 'Morning Musume 1st Generation' and found some videos of their 1999 spring concert! I looked through the songs and didn't see Ai no Tane (surprise surprise) BUT I did see Morning Coffee! I really enjoyed watching Aya in this.
Back when I started H!PE, I remember watching the vid of them sing Never Forget -from the same concert- and I got all sad over Asuka's graduation. In the performance above you see Nacchi get emotional while singing. But yeah, the main reason I wanted to share is 'cause I was happy to see that MM did sing Morning Coffee in concert, just not so much these days.
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